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Unless otherwise noted, all information posted on is Copyright copyright. All rights reserved. Nothing on this website may be copied in part or in full without the express permission of the copyright holder with three exceptions:

1. One copy may be downloaded by private individuals onto a single computer or printed for personal, non-commercial use.

2. Teachers (Grades K through 12) and students (Grades K through college), as individuals, may use any materials posted on for non-commercial purposes such as reports, webpages, presentations, and other classroom activities subject to the Conditions of Use. Please send a brief email describing the use. Materials may not be printed by colleges or universities and distributed to students, as this constitutes commercial use.

3. Non-commercial environmental organizations that expressly support the preservation and acquisition of designated wilderness or the preservation of habitat for plants or wildlife may use photographs and other materials posted on (including upon request, full-resolution images) without cost to further the goals of their organization, including fund-raising for wilderness related activities and habitat preservation activities subject to the Conditions of Use.

Conditions of Use

For teachers, students, and non-commercial environmental organizations that expressly support the preservation and acquisition of designated wilderness or the preservation of native habitat for plants and wildlife, the following guidelines must be observed:

  • The copyright holder must be notified by email ( of the intent to use posted materials.

  • The author or photographer is credited by name (Jim Boone unless otherwise noted).

  • The URL “” is included with the credit.

  • On webpages, a link to is provided.

  • Materials posted on may not be included in archives. Materials may only be used as part of a current project, such as a website or report.

  • Under no conditions may the materials posted on be used to promote or be associated with land-disturbing or habitat destruction activities.

  • The copyright holder reserves the right to change this notice at any time and to grant exceptions.

  • The copyright holder reserves the right to deny use of the materials posted on to individuals or entities if the copyright holder deems that such use is not in the best interest of

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For commercial use of copyright materials on, email the copyright holder ( concerning the intended use of the materials. Commercial uses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and generally will be granted upon the payment of licensing fees (usually $50 per photo). Use of materials by university staff (everyone except students) constitutes commercial use.

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While the author tries to accurately describe places and routes, conditions change over time and sometimes mistakes are made. If something posted on seems wrong, assume it is wrong and tell me that it needs to be fixed. Wildlands are inherently dangerous -- always rely on your own good judgment. You are responsible for your own safety.


I don't collect anything about anybody through the website (no cookies, no nothing), but I do keep emails sent to me. However, I use Google AdSense, and Google keeps a click history on people who click the adds in order to categorize the kinds of sites they visit.

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240212
