register (view NW towards directional arrow signs) |

Directional arrows before Sites 1 and 2 (view N) |

Directional arrow to the left (Trail South; view NW) |

Approaching Marker #1 and Site 2 |

Marker #1 and Site 2 |

Marker #1, Site 1 up to the left, Site 2 to the right (view W) |

Site 1 (view W) |

Site 1; Pahranagat Man (view W) |

Site 1; Red, Shaded Wall (view SW) |

Directional arrow departing Site 1 (view N) |

Directional arrow departing Site 1 (view N) |

Approaching Site 2 (view W) |

Site 2; south-facing wall (view NW) |

Site 2; east-facing wall (view W) |

Winding through the shrubs at the base of the rocky hill (view N) |

A directional arrow is visible up ahead (view N) |

Directional arrow along the trail (view N) |

Directional arrow: keep straight ahead (view N) |

Site 3 is in a rock alcove on the left (view NW) |

Main lower panel at Site 3 (view NW) |

Trail continues along the base of the rocks (view N) |

Exiting Site 3, trail passes unnumbered site (view N) |

Unnumbered site along the trail, upper boulder (view W) |

Details of unnumbered site along the trail (view W) |

Details of unnumbered site along the trail (view W) |

Details of unnumbered site along the trail (view W) |

Unnumbered site along the trail, lower boulder (view W) |

Details of unnumbered site along the trail, lower boulder (view W) |

Another directional arrow comes into view; Site 4 ahead (view NW) |

Directional arrow; keep left but continue straight ahead (view NW) |

Another unnumbered site just past directional arrow (view NW) |

Another unnumbered site (view NW) |

Unnumbered petroglyph site along the trail (view W) |

Details of unnumbered petroglyph site along the trail (view W) |

Details of unnumbered petroglyph site along the trail (view W) |

Boulder above Site 4 remains in view (view NW) |

Continuing towards boulder above Site 4 (view NW) |

Continuing towards boulder above Site 4 (view NW) |

Approaching boulder above Site 4 (view NW) |

Arriving at Site 4 (view NW) |

Two main rock panels at Site 4 (view NW) |

Site 4 petroglyph (view NW) |

Departing Site 4, trail runs along the base of the rock (view N) |

Trail continues to runs along the base of the rock (view N) |

Directional arrow: continue straight (view N) |

Trail runs across rocks, but stays off the boulders (view N) |

Approaching another directional arrow (view NW) |

Another directional arrow (view NW) |

Directional arrow: continue straight, but really -- curve left (view N) |

Site 5, Pahranagat Lady, is visible from the arrow (view NW; zoom) |

The trail continues between two trees (view W) |

Between the trees, a marker becomes visible (view W) |

Between the two trees, the Site 5 petroglyphs are visible (view W) |

At the directional arrow, the trail bends left (view NW) |

Directional arrow: continue straight, but really -- curve right |

The trail heads into the trees (view NW) |

It is easier to curve right through the gap in the trees (view N) |

Trail ducks under two trees (view NW) |

After ducking under trees, another directional arrow (view NW) |

directional arrow (view N) |

Directional arrow: continue straight, but really -- curve right |

Trail continues through the trees (view N) |

Site 5, Pahranagat Lady, is visible from the arrow (view W; zoom) |

The trail reaches a small wash (view NW) |

The trail drops into a wash and continues upstream (view NW) |

Trail continues up wash; Marker #5 comes into view (view NW) |

Marker #5; end of official trail (view SW from the wash) |

Hiker at Pahranagat Lady petroglyph (view S) |

Human in yellow at Pahranagat Lady visible from Marker #5 |

Human in yellow an others at Pahranagat Lady petroglyph (view S) |

Pahranagat Lady petroglyph (view S) |

Details of Pahranagat Lady petroglyph (view S) |